Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 1

So far, so good. Doing the Whole30 is not about losing weight; it is about changing our lifestyle and eating patterns. Still, the plan encourages a weigh-in at the beginning, then avoid stepping on the scale again for 30 days. So, we weighed in this morning:
Me: 164.1 pounds
Husband: 214.4 pounds
Daughter: 121.8 pounds

I have also purged my kitchen of all foods that are not part of our 30-day eating plan (no sugar, no grain, no legumes, no dairy).

I was surprised at how much outdated foods I had in the cupboards! Out went old pastas, rancid nuts, rancid grains, rancid flour, and old jello and pudding mixes.    I also pulled all the unopened food that we will not be eating, such as canned soups, crackers, good pastas, etc; I have three plastic grocery bags full that will go to a needy family in our church.

There is not much left in the cupboards! (I should have taken before pictures...) The pantry is nearly bare!
On to the refrigerator. The door was full of sauces, kept because I might use them again some day. But they, too, were mostly outdated. I dumped them all into the sink and recycled the bottles. (I did keep a few no-no items, as I believe we may use them again after the 30 days.)
 And the main part of the fridge is filled with meats, eggs, veggies and fruit.
I really enjoyed tossing out so many foods that cluttered the cupboards, the refrigerator, and my life. I feel badly that I spent so much money on processed foods that we will not eat.
Going forwards I will purchase foods
purposely and not spontaneously.

I am learning that 'whole food' means 
not long-life/shelf-stable

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